13 September

๐Ÿ’ฃ September, 13

๐Ÿ’ฃ Gรถteborg, "Park Avenue Hotel" - "Britain's Ambassador to Sweden, Sir Archibald Ross, KCMG, MA, must surely now be in line for another helping of alphabet soup... He saved Princess Alexandra from a confrontation with the pop world's ultimate weapon. The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Hendrix - 21- year old guitarist-singer from Seattle whose hair resembles a demented fright wig - returned to the Park Avenue Hotel... With the other two members of his group he was standing in the foyer chatting. A somewhat nervous hotel executive asked them all to move. Because, he explained anxiously, Princess Alexandra was about to pass. The Jimi Hendrix Experience, paying guests one and all, refused. The executive insisted. Although they could have blasted him from Gofhenburg to eternity with a few chords, the Experience refused to budge... The situation looked nasty. Enter Sir Archibald, 65, with thirty-one years of dealing with difficult situations and well-used to even more eccentric types than the Jimi Hendrix Experience. He took the heat out of the situation immediately. "He invited us to have a drink," said Hendrix. "He was real cool. I guess the guy at the hotel thought we were a bit scruffy and tried to tidy the place up for the Princess." While the group members were having their drink, Princess Alexandra passed through the foyer without seeing them." (Daily Mirror, 14 September 1967).

โ†ณ Flying from Torslanda Airport, Gรถteborg, SWEDEN, to London Heathrow Airport, Middlesex, ENGLAND.

๐Ÿ’ฃ Oakland Coliseum (Arena), Nimitz Freeway/Hegenberger Road, CA, USA, JHE
With support from Vanilla Fudge, Eire Apparent, and Soft Machine, The Experience performs a show at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, California.

No gigs previous three nights. Leon claims he arrived in Beverly Hills, L.A. to visit Jimi. Jimi hadโ€™t left a message and is unavailable. Leon says the desk didnโ€™t inform him that Jimi had booked a room for him. Eventually, after a change of staff at the desk, he was informed of the limo that was at his disposal. Having little cash he took the (free) limo downtown and spent the night in a cheap, trash motel.
The JHE flew at 17:20 from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
Concert at 20:30.
Support: Vanilla Fudge; Soft Machine; Eire Apparent
Audience: ~ 8,000
Songs: unknown
Noel: โ€œWe really got smashed (understatement) with him (Owsley) and the show was a good one, we played well and went down well.โ€

๐Ÿ’ฃ Boiceville, "Ashokan House", NY. Ephron jams.
Ephron claimed, โ€œJimi wanted to blend rhythmic jazz with a free-form movement. Iโ€™m a free-formist, but Mike Jeffery... was opposed to my influence. We were joint composers, although in fact most of the ideas were mine. . . We had pre-set patterns; starting off points and endings and the middles were usually free. He infers the ludicrous titles for these meandering jams were dreamed up by him, โ€œThe titles were added later.โ€

๐Ÿ’ฃ De Doelen, Rotterdam, Holland. Cancelled due to Billy allegedly having some kind of nervous breakdown, about which he has never spoken. Jimi is in London. Kirsten again at the Cumberland with Jimi. Angie Burdon & Co. visit.

๐Ÿ’ฃ Born on this day
โ™ก Tony Russell "Charles" Brown (Sep 13, 1922 - Jan 21, 1999)
Trouble Blues: https://youtu.be/CGtu2gMRIPU

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