31 July

🌴 July, 31

🌴 1967.
Studio PPX 76 - Recordings: No Business - Future Trip - Day Tripper - Get That Feeling Curtis Knight (aka Curtis McNear). This entire recording session characterizes the fact that Jimi plays on an eight-string Hagstrom and has a low fuzz box. An unknown musician plays the electric twelve-string mandolin. The material recorded during these two days has been published on countless albums in recent decades. The magazine Teen Scoop published in its January 1968 issue a picture of the Experience posing posing on a wooden staircase, which seems to have been taken outdoors. Judging by what the guys wear, it seems that this picture was taken towards the end of July 1967. Jimi is wearing an orange striped shirt, similar to the one he was wearing in Monterey. We especially notice Mitch, who wears a jacket with a badge, the same as " He wore at the wedding of Chas Chandler and Lottie Lexon on 22 July, so this picture had to be taken around that date. Also Jimi's pearl necklace with an amulet suggests this period.

🌴 1968.
With the Experience missing their flight to Shreveport, Louisiana they are forced to travel to their next venue by car. The group performs later that night at the Municipal Auditorium in Shreveport.
Concert (see Debbie's post for details)

🌴 1969.

🌴 1970.
No News...

Gone to Rock ‘n’ Roll Heaven
Franz Liszt (Oct 22, 1811 – Jul 31, 1886)
Love Dream (Art by Monet): https://youtu.be/6c3INnCozPc

Benjamin Clarence "Bull Moose" Jackson (Apr 22, 1919 – Jul 31, 1989) an American blues and rhythm-and-blues singer and saxophonist, who was most successful in the late 1940s. He is sometimes considered a performer of dirty blues.
Big Ten Inch: https://youtu.be/Rws_7mLTqj8


30 July

🚗 July, 30

🚗 1967.
No News...

🚗 1968.
Independence Hall, Lakeshore Auditorium, Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA
The Experience travel from Los Angeles to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to begin their new American tour. They kick off the tour with two performances, supported by Soft Machine in the Independence Hall at the Lakeshore Auditorium.
Concert (see Debbie's post for details)

🚗 1969.
Album Release Smash Hits Reprise Records, Jimi’s US distributor, issues the popular compilation Smash Hits. Jimi enjoys a vacation to Mogador, Morocco. His travel begins on July 30 and extends through August 6.

🚗 1970.
'Vibratory Sound-Color Experiment' Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii USA
After flying to the Island of Maui for a special filmed project by Manager, Michael Jeffrey, Hendrix, Cox, and Mitch perform for an invitation-only crowd of 500 people for the Rainbow Bridge Vibratory Color Sound Experiment on the Haleakala Crater on the Island of Maui. Portions of the performance are included on the posthumously released motion picture Rainbow Bridge. Jimi is photographed during The Experience’s July 30, 1970 performance atop the Haleakala Crater on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. This show is the main subject of the film ‘Rainbow Bridge.’
Concert (see Debbie's post for details)

Born on this day
1936, George "Buddy" Guy
Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan - Champagne and Reefer July 30, 1989:
Damn Right I've Got The Blues:
