30 September

🚗 September, 30

🚗 Noel returned to the Birdland, but there was no one there, so he went to the ANIM offices, 39 Gerrard Street, London W1, where Michael Jeffery offered him the job as bass guitarist.

Noel: “On the 30th I turned up again as requested and no one was there. Panic! I’d been given the Anim Ltd. office address on Gerrard Street. I literally ran there, and did a quick hype on the first person I saw. It was Michael Jeffery, Chas’ partner and the Animal’s manager. He just said, “ ‘It’s okay. You got the audition. Move to London.’ I nearly fainted with relief. I’d been too depressed to allow myself to get excited before then.”

“…suddenly we had a gig. A tour even… - and we didn’t even have a drummer.
…We jammed drummer less for a few days while we checked out various drummers. This was good because we got to know each other a bit and learned to understand each other’s guitar style without immediately having to incorporate a third musician. I was enjoying experimenting on bass. Never having played one before was very liberating in its way.”

↪ Chas tells Eric Clapton about Jimi: “I bumped into Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce at the Cromwellian Club, who had just formed the Cream at the time, and told them about this guy who I’d brought from America. They said I had to bring him down to the Regent Polytechnic, because Cream were playing there the next night.”

🚗 BBC 'Radio One' starts it's first transmission in England.

↪ Jimi is interviewed by Pamela Townsend of Fab 208 magazine.

Jimi: Ever since I can remember, I have been moody. I can't help isolating myself from the world. Sometimes I just want to be left alone. People think I'm funny. I'm sorry. I can't help it.

🚗 No News…

🚗 No News…

🚗 Born on this day
Franklin Joseph "Frankie" Lymon (Sep 30, 1942 – Feb 27, 1968)
Goody Goody 1958 Live: https://youtu.be/kld4z6ZgyHc

Marc Bolan (Sep 30 1947 – Sep 16 1977)
Get It On: https://youtu.be/XNkwe86LY6Q

29 September

💫 September, 29

〰 Jimi meets Noel Redding during an audition at the Birdland club.
After his audition at the Birdland, Noel was asked by Chas if he could play bass guitar, Noel said no, but he would give it a try. Chas lent Noel his bass guitar, so Noel sat in with Jimi, Nero (Mike O’Neill) of The Gladiators on piano and Aynsley Dunbar on drums. They played ‘Hey Joe’, ‘Need Somebody To Love’ and one third song. Chas asked Noel to return the next day to the Birdland.

↪ Blaises, 121 Queen’s Gate, Kensington, London SW7.
In the evening Jimi jams with the Brian Auger Trinity (Brian Auger/organ, Julie Driscoll/vocals, Vic Briggs/guitar, Rick Brown/bass, Clive Thacker/drums). Johnny Hallyday is in the audience [as well as Andy Summers] and he invites Jimi to do a short tour of France with him. Chas settles the deal with Lee Hallyday - Johnny's uncle/manager and Georgio Gomelski).
(see Debbie’s post for details)

French fan Yazid Manou: Johnny Hallyday kept saying Otis Redding was there too but he was wrong. Hallyday was with Otis at Blaises earlier in the month. Otis Redding was already back to States on September 29.

〰 London W1, Jimi's flat - Radio interview conducted by David (surname unknown).
Noel: "I would say either of these two: David Jacobs or David Wigg"

〰 No News…

〰 No News…

Born on this day
♡ 1935, Jerry Lee Lewis
Whole Lotta Shakin Going On (Live 1964): https://youtu.be/1dC0DseCyYE

28 September

🎸 September, 28

🎸 A further non work residence permit was issued to Jimi, valid until 28 Dec, 1966.

↪ Noel Redding went to the office of Harold Davison Limited to enquire about the auditions for the New Animals, he said he had seen advertised in Melody Maker, he was told to attend the Birdland club the next day, a club not far from the Scotch Of St. James.

↪ “Les Cousins”, 49 Greek Street, London W1. Jimi jams the Alexis Korner trio at around 3 o'clock in early the morning of 29 September.
(see Debbie’s post for details​)

🎸 London
↪ "The Upper Cut", Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate
According to a report in the Disc and Music Echo issue of 17 June 1967, Jimi, Lulu, and Cat Stevens would be among the Judges for a 'Radio London discovery night' during this day. Whether Jimi actually went is unknown.

↪ Jimi and Mitch go to The Upper Cut club.

🎸 Factory Hollywood - Jimi is invited to a feast in honor of Donovan.
See photos: The blonde girl who accompanies Jimi is Cathy Warren Kathleen Paulson.

🎸 San Antonio, HemisFair Arena, Texas. Cancelled.

🎸 Born on this day
Benjamin Earl King (Sep 28, 1938 - Apr 30, 2015)
Stand By Me: https://youtu.be/N0es9A5A_as

🎸 Gone to Rock ‘n’ Roll Heaven
Miles Dewey Davis III (May 26, 1926 - Sep 28, 1991)
Black Satin: https://youtu.be/dbbCZaI313A

27 September

🍯 September, 27

🍯 London.
↪ Jimi jams with The VIPs at the Scotch of St James club, London. Date not confirmed. See Debbie's post for details

Chas Chandler: “Kit Lambert [co-manager of The Who] knocked half the tables in the club over, getting across and wanting to do a deal with Jimi. So we did a deal there and then, for £1,000. That was it.”

🍯 London, "Olympic Sound Studios", Noel records some demos.

🍯 No News…

🍯 Will Rogers Coliseum, Fort Worth. Concert cancelled.

🍯 Born on this day
Earring George Mayweather, blues Harmonica Player
(Sep 27, 1927 – Feb 12, 1995)
Forty Four: https://youtu.be/fMjn9wv18mw

🍯 Gone to Rock ‘n’ Roll Heaven
Paul Burlison, an American pioneer rockabilly
(Feb 4, 1929 – Sep 27, 2003)
Paul Burlison, Rocky & Billy Boogie`s `Train Kept A Rollin´: https://youtu.be/2vyo8vLe2Zo

26 September

🍓 September, 26

🍓 Jimi holds auditions at the Birdland, off Jermyn Street, Soho, London.
↪ Eric Burdon: “The first time I heard him play, I was in a rehearsal room putting together the New Animals, and this shadowy figure stepped into the room, and he just grabbed hold of Vic Briggs' guitar and in the same instant said, 'Do you mind if I have a jam?' you know, and cracked up into an uptempo blues jam with John Weider.”

↪ Note: an unlikely description by Burdon of this alleged Weider/Hendrix jam - only remembered by him. Vic Briggs later denied he was there, as he was still engaged with Brian Auger's band.

🍓 London.
↪ Jimi's flat, Upper Berkeley Street, interview conducted by Kevin P. Buckley for Newsweek (published 9 October 1967).

Jimi: "In five years I want to write some plays and some books. I want to sit on an island - my island - and listen to my beard grow. And then I'll come back and start all over again as a bee - a king bee."

↪ Jimi's flat - Photocall.

↪ Chas Chandler and Mike Jeffery fly to America to meet with Ed Chalpin.

🍓 No News…

🍓 Record Plant, Studio C, NY.
Jimi – guitar, Mitch – drums
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Engineer: Bob Hughes, 2nd engineer Dave Ragno
Message To Love [Including snippets of: Night Bird Flying, Valeys of Neptune, Sky Blues Today (Stepping Stone)].


25 September

💦 September, 25

💦 At 4am, Jimi telephones his father in Seattle. Kathy also spoke to Jimi’s father briefly.

Al Hendrix: “He told me, 'Well, I'm over here in England now and I'm auditioning for a bass player and a drummer. It's just going to be a trio and I'm going to call it The Jimi Hendrix Experience, and I'm going to spell my name J-I-M-I.' I said, "Well, that's, a little different.’”

Kathy Etchingham: “I spoke to his father and said, 'Hello, Mr Hendrix.' I spoke a few words and he said, 'Look, my boy's in England? You tell my boy to write me. I'm not paying for collect calls.'
We were woken up in the hotel by a girl who burst into the room, grabbed Jimi’s guitar and walked out... Jimi told me she was an English girl [Linda Keith] he’d been sleeping with in America. Later after we were up, she came back, took off all her clothes and climbed into the bed. She said Jimi could have his guitar back on condition that he got into bed with her. For once he refused such an offer and sent her on her way.
All Jimi had was a guitar in a case, a couple of satin shirts, a jar of Noxema and a bag of rollers. I used to set his hair in rollers.”

💦 London.
↪ "The Royal Festival Hall", Belvedere Road; Rehearsals; filming; photo calls.
↪ 'Guitar-ln'/'The Royal Festival Hall"
Concert (see Debbie's post for details)

💦 No News…

💦 New York City, Record Plant, NY.
Jimi–guitar, Buddy Miles–drums. *Juma “Sultan” (Lewis)-percussion
Producer: Jimi Hendrix, Engineer: Jack Adams, 2nd engineer Dave Ragno
Keep On Groovin (Midnight Lightning) // Room Full Of Mirrors // Message To Love // Machine Gun // Sky Blues Today (Stepping Stone) // Jam, unreleased.

💦 Born on this day
Roosevelt Melvin "Booba" Barnes
(Sep 25, 1936 - Apr 2, 1996)
No Place To Go: https://youtu.be/L5zk8ZLE6Gw

💦 Gone to Rock ‘n’ Roll Heaven
John Henry Bonham
(May 31, 1948 - Sep 25, 1980)
Moby Dick: https://youtu.be/cRuTcnd8YLU

24 September

🌳 September, 24

🌳 London.
↪ Jimi, Chas Chandler and Terry McVay arrive at London International Airport. Entry stamp was cancelled because Jimi did not have a work permit. Later a new stamp was issued and a seven day non work permit issued after a lot of talking by Chas. Eventually they managed to get Jimi admitted into the UK on the grounds that Jimi, as the writer of several songs, had come to collect royalties due to him.
↪ On the way into London from the airport, Chas took Jimi to the house of Zoot Money, at 11 Gunterstone Road, Fulham, London W14.
↪ Jimi and Chas book into the Hyde Park Towers hotel, 41-49 Inverness Terrace, London W2.
↪ Scotch Of St. James, 13 Mason’s Yard, London SW1. Jimi’s first public jam in London.
↪ Here Kathy Etchingham meets Jimi for the first time. They spend the night together at the Hyde Parks Towers hotel.

🌳 London - Noel returns from his holiday in Spain.
Jimi, accompanied by Noel Redding and Eric Burdon, checks out Traffic and Tomorrow at the Saville Theater.

🌳 No News…

🌳 New York City, Penn-Garden Hotel, NY. Billy Cox leaves.
Billy appears to have given up after the hopless ‘JHE’ session the previous night.
Cox checked out of the Hotel and returned to Nashville (obvously pissed off).
BC: "The whole problem started as soon as we got to the house in Woodstock. There were people who just did not want this band to succeed. It was one thing after another. There was the shoot-out down at the front gate of the Boiceville house, the ‘infiltration’ of people into the house, drugs being put into people's food just a lot of unnecessary, underhanded things being done for no reason. I didn't have time to try and figure out who was behind all this and why were they doing so. When you get down to people fighting with guns out in front of the house, there is something seriously wrong. All I knew was that I was going to do the Woodstock gig, help out my buddy, and carry my ass back to Nashville. That was my focus. After Woodstock, I hung around as long as I could, but there was just too much bullshit going down all around him. Jimi had gone down into this well. He said, 'Man, I just can't get it together. I've gotta rest my head.' He told me that if he could, he was thinking of going off to Africa with Colette I wished him Godspeed and told him I was glad I had been able to help him. That was it. I didn't think I was ever going to be involved with him again."

23 September

🏊 September, 23

🏊 Jimmy is issued with US passport, No G 1044108.
Jimmy, Chas Chandler and Terry McVay (road manager for the Animals’ final tour) fly first class with Pan American Airways from John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York City, USA, at 9 pm, destination London.

🏊 London W8, "Royal Albert Hall", Kensington Gore
Jimi attends a Frank Zappa concert. When Jimi arrived Zappa went parodying "Hey Joe."

Apart from rehearsing with The Mothers and the ten members of the London Philharmonic, Zappa was also anxious to meet a band called Tomorrow - who were, in Pamela Zarubica's phrase, "tight friends with Hendrix", so a meeting was easily arranged. Zappa, Pam, Jimi and Jeff Beck went round to the flat where Tomorrow lived. ‘All I remember for sure’ Pam reports, ‘is that... everyone was getting high, except us, and for once Frank didn't seem to mind. When we left the place Frank's first comment was, 'I never met such a nice little group of junkies before.' Not that they were junkies, it's just that Frank is so totally unfamiliar with the drug scene that I doubt if he could tell the difference between hash and heroin’.

🏊 No News…

🏊 New York City, Record Plant, NY. JHE [II] with Edward Juma Sultan (Lewis)
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Engineers: Jack Adams & Tom Flye (ex ‘Lothar And The Hand People’ drummer)

Valleys Of Neptune // Drinking Wine // Message To Love // ’Jam Back At The House’ (aka ‘Beginnings’) // Izabella

🏊 Born on this day
John William Coltrane, also known as "Trane"
(Sep 23, 1926 – Jul 17, 1967)
In A Sentimental Mood: https://youtu.be/r594pxUjcz4

Mighty Joe Young
(Sep 23, 1927 - Mar 24, 1999)
Going Up And Going Down: https://youtu.be/F1J212IAiXs

Ray Charles Robinson
(Sep 23, 1930 - Jun 10, 2004)
The Blues Brothers Movie Clip - Shake A Tail Feather: https://youtu.be/qdbrIrFxas0

Fenton Lee Robinson
(Sep 23, 1935 - Nov 25, 1997)
I Hear Some Blues Downstairs: https://youtu.be/DBuYDeW9R80

♡ 1949, Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen